Friday, February 10, 2017

My Cruisin' thru the Cozies Challenge So Far

Read two books from each sub-genre in level one plus an additional 20 cozy books of your choice (total of 40 books)
These are the level one books:
- One from culinary (anything dealing with food: restaurants, baked goods, etc.) 1. [book:Death of a Bacon Heiress|25852688] Jan. 29
2. [book:The Chocolate Falcon Fraud|24611817] Feb. 8
- One from animal related (cats, dogs, birds, etc.)
- One from craft related (any kind of hobbies - knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking, etc.)
1. [book:Close Knit Killer|15851126] Feb.8
[book:Deadly Greetings|675805] Feb 3.
- One from paranormal (witches, vampires, etc.)
- One from British cozy mysteries (example: Belinda Lawrence series)
- One career-based cozy mystery (housekeeping, wedding planner, etc.)
- One holiday based (set during any holiday - Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentines, etc.)
- One travel mystery (character could be on a cruise, touring another area, etc.) 1.  [book:Death on Tour|9503233] Feb. 3
2. [book:Top O' the Mournin'|758762] Feb. 5
- One historical mystery (any mystery not set in the present)
- One is your choice! (freebie!)
1. [book:A Body at Book Club|21895060] Feb. 5
2. [book:A Body in the Backyard|16235070] Feb. 5

1.[book:A Body at Bunco|25270598] Feb 6.
2. [book:State of the Onion|2261571] Feb. 9

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