Friday, February 10, 2017

My Cruisin' thru the Cozies Challenge So Far

Read two books from each sub-genre in level one plus an additional 20 cozy books of your choice (total of 40 books)
These are the level one books:
- One from culinary (anything dealing with food: restaurants, baked goods, etc.) 1. [book:Death of a Bacon Heiress|25852688] Jan. 29
2. [book:The Chocolate Falcon Fraud|24611817] Feb. 8
- One from animal related (cats, dogs, birds, etc.)
- One from craft related (any kind of hobbies - knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking, etc.)
1. [book:Close Knit Killer|15851126] Feb.8
[book:Deadly Greetings|675805] Feb 3.
- One from paranormal (witches, vampires, etc.)
- One from British cozy mysteries (example: Belinda Lawrence series)
- One career-based cozy mystery (housekeeping, wedding planner, etc.)
- One holiday based (set during any holiday - Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentines, etc.)
- One travel mystery (character could be on a cruise, touring another area, etc.) 1.  [book:Death on Tour|9503233] Feb. 3
2. [book:Top O' the Mournin'|758762] Feb. 5
- One historical mystery (any mystery not set in the present)
- One is your choice! (freebie!)
1. [book:A Body at Book Club|21895060] Feb. 5
2. [book:A Body in the Backyard|16235070] Feb. 5

1.[book:A Body at Bunco|25270598] Feb 6.
2. [book:State of the Onion|2261571] Feb. 9

Cruisin' Thru the Cozies Challenge

I've done this challenge for the last several years, but this year they added categories to read, rather than just setting a goal to read so many cozy mysteries.  I hesitated about joining because of the categories, but decided to after all.  My goal is level 4-Sleuth Extra.

Welcome to the seventh annual Cruisin' thru the Cozies Reading Challenge! I'm changing things up a bit this year. Sometimes we get hooked on one type of genre or sub-genre and don't venture out of our comfort zone. Maybe some only read culinary cozies, maybe some only animals or crafts.

To find out exactly what a cozy mystery is, check out This site is dedicated to cozy mysteries and does a great job of defining them as well as giving a list of cozy mysteries. This challenge is NOT restricted to what is on their list, it's just to be used as a guideline in case you need some hints on what to read.

Whatever you might like, I thought it might be fun to read a bit of everything. So here is this year's cozy mystery reading challenge:

Level one (Snoop) - Read one book in each of these cozy sub-genres (total of 10 books)

- One from culinary (anything dealing with food: restaurants, baked goods, etc.)
- One from animal related (cats, dogs, birds, etc.)
- One from craft related (any kind of hobbies - knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking, etc.)
- One from paranormal (witches, vampires, etc.)
- One from British cozy mysteries (example: Belinda Lawrence series)
- One career-based cozy mystery (housekeeping, wedding planner, etc.)
- One holiday based (set during any holiday - Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentines, etc.)
- One travel mystery (character could be on a cruise, touring another area, etc.)
- One historical mystery (any mystery not set in the present)
- One is your choice! (freebie!)

Level two (Investigator) - Read all the books in level one plus an additional 10 cozy books of your choice (total of 20)
Level three (Super Sleuth) - Read two books from each sub-genre in level one plus an additional 10 cozy books of your choice (total of 30 books)
Level four (Sleuth Extraordinaire) - Read two books from each sub-genre in level one plus an additional 20 cozy books of your choice (total of 40 books)
From the Goodreads Group:Challenge Info

Here are the rules...

1. The challenge runs from January 1, 2017 and ends December 31, 2017.

2. You don't have to choose your books in advance. If you do, you can change your list at any time during the year. Books can overlap with other challenges.

3. Books can be in any format - paper, audio, all counts!

4. You don't have to post a review, but I'm sure others would love to know about the books you are reading and may even want to add it to their reading lists.

I'm adding one more rule...

5. If you can't find or don't want to read a certain sub-genre, you can switch it out for another one of your choice. However, this can only be done one time.

I'm also hosting this on my blog and you can join there, if you want. Here's the link


I am so happy right now. Goodreads has finally added the rereading feature. I reread books often, and have been waiting for this for years. I never knew when I had originally read a book, or how many times I had read it. I wish it was on the app, though, because that is where I usually update my books. Still, that isn't a problem. I can always go to the site on my phone when I have a reread.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A Winter's Respite Readathon Results

The readathon is now over, so here are my final stats.
16th- 3 books, 827 pages
17th-1 book, 296 pages
18th- 3 books, 746 pages
19th- 2 books, 732 pages
20th-1 book, 424 pages
21st- 4 books, 1183 pages
22nd- 2 books, 750 pages
23rd- 0 books, 0 pages
24th-4 books, 1094 pages
25th-1 book, 248 pages
26th-2 books, 413 pages
27th- 1 book, 287 pages
28th- 2 books, 514 pages
29th- 1 book, 215 pages
I wound up reading 27 books, and 7,727 pages total. I think my readability slump is finally over. I also finished my connections challenge, so now I can get back to picking books at random rather than linking them.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

24in48 Results

I only managed to read 4 hours and 45 minutes during the 24in48 readathon. I did get six books read, however, and I enjoyed all but one. I can't wait until the next one.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

My 24in48 Start

I just got home so I will be starting the 24in48 readathon now. My first book will be Love Me Forever by Johanna Lindsey. I won't even get close to the 48 hours, but I'll read what I can.